Our values

Common principles unite our diverse network.


We’re all here for the same reason: to deliver the best outcome we possibly can, in the most meaningful way.


Technology isn’t the answer to every problem, but every successful software project is built on rock-solid technical foundations.


Above all, we’re a company of grown-ups – and this is borne out in how we work with our clients.

We wear shoes.

First impressions count. We care much more about what we deliver to clients, than what it looks like we’re delivering – but it takes time to gain trust, and we want every engagement to demonstrate how great what we do is.

It’s not about literally wearing shiny shoes each day; it’s about remembering that impressions count. We remain aware of the impression we give to others when representing Equal Experts – whether they be our immediate clients, wider stakeholders, or suppliers from other consultancies. And we avoid doing anything that may appear to be wasteful.

We show respect.

Respect is so incredibly important – it’s the most basic, fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. We never forget this.

We respect the now: the client team and environment, EE colleagues and other suppliers.

We respect the past: our previous clients, past methods (eg. Waterfall), the history of projects before our time.

We respect the future: our client’s vision, and our leaving legacy.

We understand the bigger picture.

We’re not interested in filling seats for the sake of it – we’d rather not have people billing at all, than have them just “doing the hours”.

However, it’s our responsibility to be valuable – not our client’s. So we look at the wider context of everything we do to ensure we’re really adding value. If we ever realise we are not, we will flag it and find a way to do something useful (and if we can’t, we take a grown-up attitude to leaving the engagement – in a way that’s mutually agreed).

We empathise.

When working with a client we seek to ‘feel their pain’. Only by genuinely understanding a problem can we help to eliminate it.

Once we do feel the pain, we focus on putting things right. We seek to do the right thing by our clients not just because it’s the right thing to do – acting with integrity is the best way to continue our success and provide real value.

We wear shoes.

First impressions count. We care much more about what we deliver to clients, than what it looks like we’re delivering – but it takes time to gain trust, and we want every engagement to demonstrate how great what we do is.

It’s not about literally wearing shiny shoes each day; it’s about remembering that impressions count. We remain aware of the impression we give to others when representing Equal Experts – whether they be our immediate clients, wider stakeholders, or suppliers from other consultancies. And we avoid doing anything that may appear to be wasteful.

We show respect.

Respect is so incredibly important – it’s the most basic, fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. We never forget this.

We respect the now: the client team and environment, EE colleagues and other suppliers.

We respect the past: our previous clients, past methods (eg. Waterfall), the history of projects before our time.

We respect the future: our client’s vision, and our leaving legacy.

We understand the bigger picture.

We’re not interested in filling seats for the sake of it – we’d rather not have people billing at all, than have them just “doing the hours”.

However, it’s our responsibility to be valuable – not our client’s. So we look at the wider context of everything we do to ensure we’re really adding value. If we ever realise we are not, we will flag it and find a way to do something useful (and if we can’t, we take a grown-up attitude to leaving the engagement – in a way that’s mutually agreed).

We empathise.

When working with a client we seek to ‘feel their pain’. Only by genuinely understanding a problem can we help to eliminate it.

Once we do feel the pain, we focus on putting things right. We seek to do the right thing by our clients not just because it’s the right thing to do – acting with integrity is the best way to continue our success and provide real value.