After the success of our first NiteTech North in Manchester last month, our next event will be in Leeds on Wednesday 24 February, 2016.
We’ll have a couple of presentations to share on the night:
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Jon Dickinson, a Partner here at Equal Experts, will share details of an automated pipeline we created for a major finance client. This allows a decentralised approach, where teams can check their code works as expected before deploying it to production. Jon will run a demo of the pipeline, and share the approach we took when introducing it to the client, through production to live.
Digital by Default – Building APIs for the Government: Reda Hmeid has been busy working with HMRC on its new API platform (currently in private beta). This will make it straightforward to turn the microservices living on HMRC’s platform into public APIs. Reda will share insights learned from the project – and highlight the importance of stakeholder education if you want to do the very best job.
The event is free to attend, with food and drink provided – you just need to request your spot using our MeetUp group.
NiteTech North (Leeds) will be held at Granary Wharf, 2 Wharf Approach, Leeds, LS1 4BR, from 6-9pm on Wednesday February 24th. Hope to see you there – and on our MeetUp.