10 Digital Ladies

Mairead O'Connor

Equal Experts Alumnus
What's New

January 25, 2018

Celebrating inspiring women with 10 Digital Ladies

Equal Experts is proud to be sponsoring the 2018 awards programme set up and run by 10 Digital Ladies.
Originally set up by digital product consultant Nina Lovelace in 2013, 10 Digital Ladies runs regular Meetups for leading women in digital careers.
Now that it’s celebrating the many inspirational contributions made by women in the tech industry, sponsoring the awards was a straightforward decision – we have many brilliant women within our ranks (though we would always love to welcome more…)

Worked with an amazing lady? Nominate them now.

Consider women you’ve worked with who have inspired you, encouraged your best work, and made things happen. They don’t have to be high-powered, board level heroines (though they might be). These awards exist to celebrate everyday brilliance, the kinds of wonderful unsung people we’ve all worked alongside at times – so please take a moment or two to nominate them.
Details on how to enter the awards can be found via 10 Digital Ladies’ LinkedIn presence, or you can get going right now. How, you ask?
Firstly, consider the following:
  • Your nominee(s) name;
  • The organisation they work for;
  • A few words on why you think they should be a winner.
Then send them to 10 Digital Ladies via one of the following:
  1. Twitter – just tweet your nomination using the hashtag #10DLAwards
  2. Email to info@10digitalladies.com, with the subject line ‘10DL Awards Nomination
  3. Via this online (Google) form: http://bit.ly/2rqeGQ9
However you make your nomination, make sure it’s in the pot by 15th February 2018.

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All business models have their pros and cons. But, when you consider the type of problems we help our clients to solve at Equal Experts, it’s worth thinking about the level of experience and the best consultancy approach to solve them.


If you’d like to find out more about working with us – get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.