Experts and Oren Marketplace

Equal Experts is now featured on the Oren Marketplace, introducing UX Forms – an enterprise-ready cloud platform for webform development

December 15, 2020 Forms: They blew my survey out of the water and I loved it!

What I built was good; it was hard to run, required a lot of manual effort but got the result I needed. Almost everything I did manually UX Forms can do for you

November 12, 2020 expert tips for making great web forms

Designing effective web forms: the three issues most commonly found, why they matter, and three tips for how they can best be avoided

October 15, 2020 the gap! How UX Forms shrinks the distance between prototype and production

UXForms builds prototypes in the same flexible system as the robust platform that delivers the final outcome so shrinking time from prototype to production

July 1, 2020 is UX Forms, and how is it different (and better)?

UX Forms is an enterprise-ready cloud platform for webform development, which makes designing, publishing, monitoring and updating webforms (of all kinds) simple

June 3, 2020 UX Forms built a new COVID-19 response service in just one day

The UX Forms solution eliminated manual administrative and reconciliation work, minimising errors thereby enabling patient enquiries to be resolved more quickly. 

May 27, 2020