Setting up an engagement with a remote-first mindset

In December of 2019, Equal Experts started working with ListSure, a Fintech based in Sydney, Australia. They had an incumbent technology partner but had not been able to release new features to market for over six months. 

For a variety of reasons, including office limitations, access to the right talent and providing a cost-effective solution, this client engagement was established from the start with a remote-first mindset.

In our case study we discuss some of the things we did to set this up for success, including running a remote discovery through to a system migration, all whilst team members were scattered across the globe.

Most importantly, beyond the tools and techniques, perhaps the most essential ingredient to making this work was by taking a genuine partnership approach.

“Equal Experts have a spirit of partnership in their DNA. Fundamentally, it’s not business to business – it’s human to human, regardless of where they are located.” – Brad Melman, CEO

For more tips on remote working, please check out our Remote-Working Playbook