Please join us for a webinar on “The Rationale for Continuous Delivery” by Dave Farley
We are delighted to announce that Dave Farley will be presenting our next ExpertTalks Online webinar on Wednesday, 3rd June, at 6pm BST and again on Wednesday, 10th June, at 8.30am BST (1.00pm IST, 5.30 pm AEST).
Dave has been a friend of EE for a long time. We have been fortunate enough to work alongside Dave with some of our customers in the past and many of our consultants have worked with him throughout their careers.
Continuous delivery is an approach that we try to move our customers towards. For most of our customers we focus on gradually improving their ability to release more frequently, so they can create more value for their business on a regular basis. With some customers we have been able to embed the ability to deliver live changes multiple times a day across tens of delivery teams.
The benefits that can be realised by embedding continuous delivery at scale have been demonstrated very publicly with HMRC’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They have been able to deploy new services for the British public in a matter of weeks that are reliable, secure and scalable.
At Equal Experts, we put a lot of focus on delivering software to production. Getting working software in the hands of users, whether your colleagues or your customers, is one of the best ways to realise the value of your investment and ensure you are building the right thing. This is why Dave Hewitt used frequency of releases to production as the primary measure for the world’s simplest agile maturity model.
Dave Farley is one of the world’s most recognised experts in continuous delivery. Join us on Wednesday 3rd June, 6pm BST at ExpertTalks Online or on Wednesday 10th June 8.30am BST (1.00 IST; 5.30 pm AEST) to hear Dave present The Rationale for Continuous Delivery.
Continuous Delivery changes the economics of software development for some of the biggest companies in the world. Join the webinars to find out how and why.