Introducing the Advice Process Playbook

We’ve previously written about how our decision making framework, the Advice Process, empowers our employees to make decisions within Equal Experts.  We’ve recently made our process easier to consume, in the form of an open-source Advice Process Playbook.

We hope that by making this publicly available we can enable those outside our organisation to learn more about how we work and maybe even adapt it for their own purposes.

As our understanding of how we run EE matures, we’ve come to a point where we’re more confident about presenting some of the less mainstream ways that we work. We’ve long talked about providing a haven where we treat people like grown-ups, and this is one way where we have taken concrete steps to put our words into practice. 

This playbook reflects on our decision making and corporate governance journey so far, and provides hints and tips that other organisations can apply when trying a new approach to making decisions.

How we use the Playbook

The playbook explains in detail how employees at Equal Experts use the Advice Process to manage change and make decisions while providing teams a high degree of autonomy.  It provides context about how this style of decision making fits in with other systems, describes the process in detail and explains how it is implemented within EE.


Our main objective remains to treat people as grown-ups and we believe that the Advice Process provides a framework that taps into the talent of our team more deeply than other, more traditional approaches. Thereby improving the overall quality of decision making within Equal Experts.     

Sharing our thinking 

The ideas captured within the playbook have originated from a book written by Dennis Bakke and elaborated by people within the Equal Experts network.. We’d like others to benefit from our playbook and use it within their organisations. For that reason, we’ve published the playbook under a Creative Commons license and hosted it on GitHub for anyone to contribute, or even fork and modify to suit their context.

We hope this contribution helps advance our collective understanding of distributed management systems by Making Decisions. Better.

If you would like to know more please get in touch.