
When to adopt You Build It You Run It in enterprise organisations

Event Date:

Oct 13, 2021


Bethan Timmins

Managing Director, Equal Experts Australia and New Zealand

Steve Smith

Principal Consultant and Practice Lead, Equal Experts


Event Description

Why can’t you achieve frequent deployments, high availability, and a high rate of learning at the same time with many delivery teams and a central Ops team?

What is the You Build It You Run It operating model, how is it different, and when do you adopt it in a large enterprise organisation?

How can you calculate which operating model is right for your digital services, when all you’ve ever known is an Ops team putting out fires for your delivery teams?

This talk will look in depth at the benefits and drawbacks of the You Build It You Run It operating model, including experiences from a variety of large organisations.

We’ll cover how to get started, with an operating model selector that demonstrates when on-call product teams are the best approach for your organisation.

This talk takes place at:

8.30am BST
6.30pm AEDT
1pm IST

Get in touch

Solving a complex business problem? You need experts by your side.

All business models have their pros and cons. But, when you consider the type of problems we help our clients to solve at Equal Experts, it’s worth thinking about the level of experience and the best consultancy approach to solve them.


If you’d like to find out more about working with us – get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.