
Summer Series: Refactor vs. Rewrite

Refactor vs Rewrite

Event Date:

Aug 26, 2020


Julie Yaunches

Technical Principal at Equal Experts US

Giordano Scalzo

Fishbowl Panelist

Pieter Snyman

Fishbowl Panelist


Event Description

Companies face change everyday.
Perhaps a product offering is fundamentally shifting. Or perhaps technical debt has built up to a point that development speed has been crippled.
To Refactor or Rewrite a codebase is a decision frequently agonized over by teams and businesses.
The journey taken really goes beyond a single decision and involves a wide arching strategy.
Join us to learn different approaches in shaping this strategy.

After the talk there will be an interactive virtual Fishbowl for you to ask questions and discuss with Julie and the panelists

Get in touch

Solving a complex business problem? You need experts by your side.

All business models have their pros and cons. But, when you consider the type of problems we help our clients to solve at Equal Experts, it’s worth thinking about the level of experience and the best consultancy approach to solve them.


If you’d like to find out more about working with us – get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.