
An introduction to the OWASP Top Ten with Robert MacLean


Event Date:

Sep 16, 2020


Robert MacLean

Tech Lead at Equal Experts South Africa

Grant Ongers

Fishbowl Panelist

Zoe Braiterman

Fishbowl Panelist

Brian Glas

Fishbowl Panelist


Event Description

In this lightning talk, we will introduce the OWASP Top Ten, an industry guide for the biggest security issues facing web applications.

We will understand what they are, how to practically exploit and defend them and why most are relevant beyond web applications to anything you are building today.

The session is structured as an introduction so no previous experience needed.

We will have plenty of time to answer questions (both basic and more advanced) in an interactive Fishbowl discussion after Robert’s talk.

Reference material from the talk:

The awesome blog I mentioned about the Australian PM

The Juice Shop example app:

90 min video with 8 full demos and a lot more content on this same content



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